

Reptiles like to hide. Hiding is a natural instinct. In fact, most reptiles tend to spend most of their day hidden from view. The result is that when you walk by the terrarium to peek at your pet, it's nowhere to be found. Some reptile keepers are tempted to remove hiding places from their herp's environment in order to make the animals more visible. However, this practice is not only stressful to the herp, but it can prove to be deadly.

 Most herps have two ways to avoid being eaten by something larger than themselves: running and hiding. Reptiles deprived of hiding places can be can be under alot of stess and thus be plagued with a host of illness that may ultimately result in loss of the animal's life. Chronic stress also makes the herp more susceptible to parasites, which can kill an already-weakened animal. Because reptiles suffering from chronic stress have reduced appetite, they can also suffer from nutritional deficiencies.

 Reptiles provided with a good hiding place feel secure. Their stress levels are lower, their immune systems are stronger and they tend to live longer. 

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