
Long Tentacled Plate

At first glance the Plate coral can look like an anemone.  It has a rounded flat skeletal disk with long tentacles extending from the top. These tentacles are frequently brown or green in color, sometimes with brightly colored tips.  The coral can swell up its tissues with water and 'float' to a new location using water currents. It is considered to be fairly delicate requiring moderate to strong lighting. Care has to be exercised when removing the coral from the water not to tear the tissues on the sharp sepia.  It is best to get the coral to deflate before removing it. The Plate coral packs a fairly powerful sting similar to an anemone and this is aggravated by the fact that it also has the habit of moving itself by inflating its tissues and floating around a little. It is usually best to pen the Plate coral in using small rocks to prevent its wandering.


$39.95 4-5 Heliofungia actiniformis
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