
Pacific Brown Octopus

The Pacific Brown Octopus is a small species out of the Indo-Pacific. Unlike most animals, the Octopus has a rectangular pupil. It usually comes out at dusk to feed on small invertebrates or small sleeping fish. It uses its eight tentacles to bring the catch to its beak-like mouth. Of its total length, the arms will represent about 70%, with the mantle comprising the rest. The Octopus will do best in an aquarium if provided with plenty of live rock and ample hiding places and a large area in which to move.  A 45 gallon or larger display tank with sump is recommended with a water temp between 74 and 78 degrees. It prefers an aquarium with caves and medium to coarse substrate with low lighting levels. The ideal lighting for this aquarium is dim actinic lighting.


$64.95 small
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